LP Hero
TLS Automation Maturity Assessment

Go from at-risk,
to crypto-agile

See how your organization’s automation efforts
stack up and what you can do about improving
your security posture.

LP MM Diagram

TLS Automation Maturity Assessment

Take this short, two-minute assessment to:

  • Position your approach to certificate management against our TLS Automation Maturity Model
  • Identify areas of your TLS strategy which might be prone to inefficiencies or security risks
  • Receive recommendations on the automation and discovery processes most suited to the needs of your environment

All responses are confidential and will not be shared with any third-party.


Question 1: How many TLS certificates does your organization manage?

1 to 10

11 to 100

101 to 1000


Question 2: How confident are you that you have accurate visibility into all certificates in your environment?

Not confident

Somewhat confident

Very confident

Question 2.1: What is the reason for your answer?

Question 3: How often do you update or review your TLS certificate inventory?


Once a year

Twice a year on average

Quarterly on average

Monthly on average

Question 4: How quickly can you replace and revoke a certificate for any reason?






Question 4.1: What is the reason for your answer?

Question 5: What percentage (%) of your TLS certificate inventory is automated?


Question 6: How confident are you that your TLS certificate installations have no known security risks e.g. weak keys/ciphers, obsolete versions of TLS/SSL?

Not confident

Somewhat confident

Very confident

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