SSM For DevOps Hero

Close your DevOps loop

Good DevOps runs on a proactive mindset. So why are so many DevOps teams treating security as an afterthought? Without end-to-end signing and key management, there’s a gap in your DevOps loop. For proactive security, try our continuous signing solution.

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SolarWinds marks a tipping point

The vulnerability that led to the SolarWinds data breach wasn’t caused by weak security tools. It was a failure to implement every step on the list of code signing best practices. How could the SolarWinds attack have been prevented?

Shortcuts for speed open your loop to attack

To be agile and deliver on time, developers sometimes shortcut any step that delays the CI/CD build and release. Which is why security practices in DevOps have been weak or nonexistent. Total control over security used to be slow, so developers had to find workarounds. But these shortcuts put your software at risk for compromise.

Download the top 10 questions CISOs should be
asking about their DevOps—but aren’t.

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DigiCert® Software Trust Manager

Secure your software from plan to build to delivery

Built by DevOps for DevOps, DigiCert Software Trust Manager delivers continuous end-to-end code signing and management for code, software and apps. Full visibility, tracking and auditing of keys and signing processes ensure you always know who signed what and when. And for developers, automated processes make signing seamless, simple and lightning fast, so you don’t sacrifice agility or speed to market. DigiCert Software Trust Manager is more than a code signing service—it's a mindset that actually closes the DevOps loop.

Set up your complimentary trial >

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