Digital Certificates

A certificate for every connected thing

Identity and encryption for every connected site,
device, system, person and thing. That’s digital
trust for the real world.

  • Code Signing
    • Code Signing Certificates assure customers that the software they are about to download has not been tampered with and is safe for them to use.
  • Email Certificates (Client/S/MIME)
    • Client or S/MIME certificates prove the identity of online users by allowing you to digitally sign and encrypt emails.
  • Document Signing
    • Document Signing Certificates increase the security of your documents by adding a digital signature. They are compatible with documents in Adobe, Microsoft, and other programs.
  • TLS for Google AMP
    • Improve the performance and security of Google AMP mobile sites with the DigiCert SXG—Signed HTTP Exchanges. Get almost instant load times and secure your business with brand identity authentication and encryption.

EU Certificates

  • PSD2 Certificates
    • PSD2 certificates meet the requirements of the EU Payment Services Directive (PSD2). Ensure payment service providers meet the requirements for secure authentication and communications with Qualified Web Authentication and eSeal Certificates. Buy Now.
  • eIDAS Qualified eSignature Certificates
    • Qualified eSignature Certificates provide a high level of assurance, for the purpose of creating Qualified Electronic Signatures meeting the requirements defined by the EU eIDAS regulation.
  • eIDAS Qualified eSeal Certificates
    • Qualified eSeal Certificates are issued to legal entities/organizations to “seal” data, sensitive documents, and other communications to ensure they are tamperproof and originate from a trustworthy source.
  • eIDAS Qualified Web Authentication Certificate (QWAC)
    • Qualified TLS/SSL certificates support web authentication and encryption based on the eIDAS regulation.
  • Swiss ZertES Certificates
    • Regulated and Qualified Certificates meet the requirements defined under the Swiss Federal Electronic Signature law (ZertES)
  • Netherlands PKIoverheid Certificates
    • PKIoverheid Certificates are required for many Government online services in the Netherlands.

Related resources


Device-to-Service Authentication


In Good Company: Brands That Trust DigiCert


DigiCert Private PKI

CLM Blade Image

Eliminate manual management

Get the DigiCert TLS Best Practices Guide to see how you can put an end to resource-intensive and risky manual certificate management.