Partner Blog 10-16-2019

EOS of CWS/MSSL, plus domain-related changes

Jamie Elvidge

Changes are coming for resellable Symantec™ branded Enterprise offerings and Symantec web addresses. Read the details below so you can be ready to meet the expectations of your customers and ensure continuity for your revenue stream and operations.

What to know

    Enterprise TLS/SSL offerings
  • CWS and MSSL

    To advance our brand transition as the leader in TLS products, our enterprise-oriented Symantec Complete Website Security (CWS) and Managed PKI for SSL (MPKI for SSL or MSSL) offerings have met their end of sale and are no longer accepting new accounts. This change went into effect on 1 October 2019. All new enterprise accounts should be created on DigiCert® CertCentral® Enterprise. Current CWS and MSSL accounts and licensing units remain valid until those consoles meet their end of life (EOL), currently planned for April 2020. Any active certificate issued through CWS and MSSL will remain valid until the end of its certificate lifecycle.

  • DigiCert CertCentral Enterprise

    The DigiCert CertCentral Enterprise offering replaces CWS and MSSL and is resellable via DigiCert CertCentral Partner. Customers using CWS or MSSL will be able to migrate their valid organizations, domains, and certificates issued from public-facing hierarchies and must do so by the EOL date.

  • Symantec domain names and certain URLs

    On 18 October 2019, we will migrate our websites' URL references from and to and, respectively.

  • On 26 October 2019, the Norton Secured seal's old URL at will be shut down. Your customers' websites or your website may be using obsolete seal scripts which reference
  • On 31 October 2019, we will migrate CWS and MSSL websites' URLs from to View details here.
  • On 31 December 2020, Symantec will stop redirecting traffic from to
  • As our URLs migrate from to, we are updating all email templates in our system, including custom email templates set up by our partners; however, we'll only be replacing domain references containing with their new equivalents.

What to Do

  • If you serve enterprise customers, we recommend that you plan to offer CertCentral Enterprise as an upgrade for current CWS/MSSL customers or as an available offering for corporate prospects. Contact your account manager who can provide information on reselling CertCentral Enterprise and guide its subsequent configuration within your contract.
  • To continue displaying the Norton seal, Follow these instructions here. Updating the script's URL usually takes just minutes.
  • Our remaining URL changes usually require no action by partners. However, if you've referenced the Symantec URLs in/on your website, portal, marketing materials or sales materials, or your email templates in the legacy portal(s), please plan to update them to their corresponding DigiCert URLs in advance of 31 December 2020.

What's Next

This blog post serves as your notification of the EOS and domain-related changes. We don't expect to deliver subsequent communications on this topic unless clarifications or updates are necessary.

Please follow our Partner Blog and our change log to stay updated, and contact your account manager if you have questions.


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