Trust Summit Roadshow—Munich

Sofitel Munich Bayerpost, May 16, 2024

DigiCert Trust Summit Roadshow 2024



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Our biggest event is hitting the road—so you don’t have to.

Join DigiCert and industry leaders from around the world in Munich on May 16th for a special one-day event. From PKI Management and IoT trust to Software Supply Chain security and Post-Quantum Cryptography, this is your opportunity to dive into the most important topics and challenges security professionals are facing, explore new solutions, connect one-on-one with other leaders, and help us put digital trust to work in your region—and around the world.

Event Overview

Date: May 16

Location: Sofitel Munich Bayerpost


9:00 – 10:00 AM:  Registration and networking; breakfast will be provided

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM: Introduction: Begrüßung und Ausblick auf die Agenda des heutigen Tages

10:10 AM - 10:50 AM: Keynote | Digital Trust for the Real World

In the real world, trust isn't a buzzword or an abstract idea. It's what makes the whole human experience work. It opens doors, builds bridges, crosses borders, and sets standards. Trust makes more possible. And digital trust scales those possibilities. Join DigiCert CEO Dr. Amit Sinha to discover how customers are operationalizing digital trust to scale adoption, agility, experiences, and even transformation in the real world.

10:50 AM - 11:20 AM: PKI Possibilities: Modernization, Crypto-Agility, Public and Private Use Cases, and Securing Cloud Workloads

Enterprises in 2024 stand at a pivotal juncture for transitioning legacy public key infrastructure (PKI) into the era of digital trust. In this session, we will discuss a blueprint for modernizing PKI with an emphasis on crypto agility. We will address the confluence of public and private PKI use cases and the importance of cryptographic identities for securing cloud workloads. You will learn actionable strategies for reducing IT resource burdens, preventing business outages, maintaining security/compliance, and preparing for a quantum-safe future. Join us to unravel the complexities of PKI modernization, ensuring a secure and agile foundation for your evolving digital landscape.

11:20 AM - 11:35 AM: Break

11:35 AM - 12:00 PM: Keine Digitalisierung ohne Identity Security – wie sich das Trust Center der Deutschen Telekom weiterentwickelt hat

Unser tägliches Leben im beruflichen und privaten Umfeld ist geprägt durch digitale Technik. Wir kaufen online ein, wir kommunizieren über soziale Netzwerke, wir arbeiten immer öfter von unterschiedlichen Standorten aus und nutzen dabei cloudbasierte Anwendungen. Wer im digitalen Kosmos mitmacht, muss eindeutig und jederzeit identifizierbar sein: Menschen, Maschinen, Geräte. Die Wahrheit ist: Mit zunehmender Digitalisierung steigt auch der Identitätsdiebstahl. Das hat ernsthafte Auswirkungen auf Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik. 

 Digitale Identitäten spielen daher eine immer wichtigere Rolle in Unternehmen. Sie ist elementarer Bestandteil jeder Zero-Trust-Strategie. All diese Herausforderungen brauchen strategische Partnerschaft, die uns helfen, die Kundenbedürfnisse zu erfüllen.

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: How to prepare for Quantum Computing

The technology migration required to address threats of quantum computing require organizations to start planning immediately. During this session we will discuss the quantum computing timelines, the impacts of quantum computing, what organizations are doing to prepare, and how you can get started on defining a migration strategy.

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Lunch, Networking and DigiCert Demo Stations

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM: The Future of IoT Security: Authentication Meets Quantum Innovation

In this session, we explore the critical aspects of ensuring security and authenticity in the evolving landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT). With the rise of quantum computing, it is imperative to reevaluate and strengthen the trust framework supporting connected devices. DigiCert experts will be onsite to discuss how organizations can accomplish robust device authentication to ensure a secure IoT ecosystem; techniques to simplify compliance with industry standards and streamline secure element integration on-device; how to prepare your connected devices for quantum-resistant cryptography; how to assess the risk landscape for IoT devices in the quantum age; and maintaining integrity and trust in a rapidly evolving digital environment.

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM: Think Positive: Positivität in der Führung Positives Denken und Optimismus auch in schwierigen Zeiten

Die Förderung von Positivität in der Führung ist von zunehmender Bedeutung in der heutigen Arbeitswelt. Die Keynote zeigt die Rolle der Positivität in der Führung und ihre Auswirkungen auf Mitarbeitende und die Organisation auf. Durch eine positive Führungskultur können Führungskräfte ein unterstützendes Umfeld schaffen, das die Mitarbeitermotivation, Kreativität und Produktivität steigert. Positive Führung beinhaltet das Verständnis für die Stärken der Mitarbeiter, die Förderung des Vertrauens und der Zusammenarbeit sowie die Anerkennung und Wertschätzung von Leistungen. Diese Herangehensweise trägt nicht nur zu einem verbesserten Arbeitsklima bei, sondern kann auch die Mitarbeiterbindung und -zufriedenheit erhöhen. Darüber hinaus kann eine positive Führungskultur dazu beitragen, die Resilienz der Mitarbeiter in Zeiten des Wandels zu stärken und die Organisationsleistung langfristig zu verbessern. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass die Integration von Positivität in die Führung eine transformative Kraft haben kann, die das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeitenden fördert und das Potenzial der Organisation entfaltet.

3:30 PM - 3:50 PM: News from the CA/B-Forum eIDAS 2.0

Europe's leadership in the next generation of electronic ID and trust services.

3:50 PM - 4:05 PM: Break

4:05 PM - 4:30 PM: 5 Tips to Secure from Software Supply Chain Attacks

This presentation is dedicated to enhancing software supply chain security for organizations involved in software development, whether for internal or public use. It addresses the heightened risk posed by multiple development teams, outlining five essential steps to secure your software development lifecycle against supply chain attacks. We will discuss how your organization can leverage Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) to reduce risks, the significance of threat detection, governance for code signing, and other best practices.

4:30 PM - 4:55 PM: Demystifying E-Signatures: the Basics of Digital Document Trust

Digital documents and e-signing help speed the pace of business around the world, yet many organizations are still in the early stages of building strategies to gain value from this form of digital transformation. In this important session you will learn how to effectively lead document trust discussions using the latest terminology and the core elements of e-signature trust—identity, integrity, and legality. We will also present real-world solutions implemented by leading organizations. Topics covered in this presentation include key differences between e-signature types, including high-assurance digital signatures; the importance of identity verification and level of assurance (LoA); e-signature regulatory compliance by geography, including for cross-border agreements; creating a blueprint for risk vs. cost by department and use case; benefits of using electronic seals (corporate signatures) for document authenticity, origin.

4:55 PM - 5:05 PM: Wrap up / closing words

5:05 PM - 6:30 PM: Reception with Expert Tables / Networking


Amit Sinha

Amit Sinha

CEO, DigiCert                              

 Andreas Brasching

Andreas Brasching

Head of Trust Center & Identity Security, Deutsche Telekom

Ildiko Mueller

Ildikó Mueller

Management School St. Gallen

Anthony Ricci

Anthony Ricci

Senior Director, Product Management, DigiCert

Dave Roche

Dave Roche

Sr. Product Manager, DigiCert           

Patrick Beckman Lapré

Patrick Beckman Lapre

Director, Digital Trust Specialists, DigiCert                    

Robert Frank

Robert Frank

AVP, EMEA sales, DigiCert            

Roman Brunner

Roman Brunner

Global VP, EMEA sales, DigiCert

Stephen Davidson

Stephen Davidson

Sr. Manager, Governance, Risk & Compliance, DigiCert

Tim Hollebeek

Tim Hollebeek

Industry Technology Strategist, DigiCert