DigiCert Post-Quantum Computing Certificates - Hero
DigiCert Post-Quantum Certificates

A giant leap for
Digital Trust

Developing new forms of encryption that even
quantum computers can’t crack. That’s digital
trust for the [soon-to-be] real world.
Post-Quantum computing will change everything

Quantum computing will change everything

With current technology we estimate it would take a few quadrillion years to crack 2048-bit encryption. A capable quantum computer could conceivably do it in months. The industry simply can’t afford to play catch-up in the post-quantum age. If we don’t get ahead of the technology now, we may never close the gap.

Post-Quantum cryptography and computing - It’s when. Not if.

It’s when. Not if.

There’s no set timeline for when a stable computer capable of cracking current encryption algorithms will be realized, but most assume it will be within seven to ten years. Based on the potential threat it poses, and the rapid advances being made in the field, we have to assume it will be sooner.

Download the 2019 Post-Quantum Crypto Survey Report

See how your readiness compares to other IT professionals.


Preparing for the Arrival of PQC

Preparing for a Post-Quantum World with Crypto-Agility


DigiCert Labs to innovate new security technologies


When is too late to transition to PQC certificates?